Testimonials - Presence Academy

I'm honored
with these Delighted
words from
my  Clients

Here are a few of the testimonials people have given:

Presence training in the Netherlands.
I work with professionals who want to increase their Presence, be perceived in an authentic and magnetic way and who want to speak with confidence and make impact with their speeches and videos.

Whether they are very experienced speakers already, or taking their first steps on stage, Presence practices can help improve the skill at any level. Even when you are experienced in speaking on stage, or feel at ease in a one-on-one conversation, increasing your Presence makes all the difference! Great speakers are always looking for a way to up their game… and Presence is an angle not many are skilled in yet.

We can bring this training online now too!

Here is what others say about working with me:
(Although these are all genuine testimonials, most of these were originally given in Dutch).

Elsewine is a professional and clear coach with a lot of integrity and a golden method: Presence. I always enjoy when I come across something really great. And this is it! She is a beautiful and ambitious presence teacher and she’s all about 'practice what you preach'. I will definitely go again

Lisa Portengen
CEO Smart & Sexy 

I attended the Male Presence workshop with a few colleagues and as a speech- and debating-trainer I was seriously impressed. In three hours time, Elsewine was able to turn 5 really experienced speakers into top speakers. I had heard a lot about this training but it surpassed my wildest expectations. I can really recommend this training to anyone who speaks in front of an audience regularly. I look forward to working with Elsewine again!.

Gijs Weenink
CEO DebatAcademy

I’ve had the pleasure of being trained by Elsewine in Male Presence. A real eye opener: with cast-iron practices and powerful tips, she advanced five experienced trainers to even bigger heights in terms of speaking, presenting and… presence! Very educational, useful and I apply the insights on a daily basis. I can recommend this training to everybody!

Daniel Schut
Debating and communication trainer & political advisor, De Luistervinken

Elsewines workshop has given me concrete tools to be confident thanks to Presence, without it becoming arrogance. My work consists of weighing interests, negotiation, being clear and firm, taking the lead and keeping a good basic relationship with everyone involved. I can implement the skills learnt from the Presence workshop on a daily basis and it has increased my overall impact. Elsewine is an experienced and respectful trainer who makes you want to learn from her and gain her insights. Thank you!

Ingeborg ter Laak
CEO Zorgscala

Elsewine’s workshop was a very enjoyable experience where I’ve learnt how to be more self-confident. The workshop was interactive and personal. In my opinion, working on Presence is relevant to both beginners and experienced speakers, because it looks at presenting from a different perspective: your appearance and your charisma.

Gerard Nijboer
Afas Software

I’ve learnt so much during the workshop. Elsewine takes her time to train in a calm and clear manner. Besides that, this workshop is extremely effective, I learned to speak in a more structured way and truly from my heart.


The workshop Male Presence was beyond any expectations I might’ve had. In an inspiring way, Elsewine organised a workshop that is both challenging and safe. With these ingredients she knows exactly how to challenge the participants to get the most from themselves. I really enjoyed being a part of this workshop.

Kasper Fransen

Together with a few colleagues of mine, we took part in the Presence training with Elsewine. It’s a practical training, which teaches you the qualities that are really useful, or even vital, in embodying yourself, your presence, your charisma. I recommend the training also for experienced speakers, to get that sharpness again.

Frank Schurink
Trainer Gedoemanagement

On the advice of Gijs Weenink from the Debat Academie, I signed-up for the Feminine Presence workshop. Beforehand, I didn’t know what to expect. Afterwards, I am very glad that I took the workshop! Why? Because I’ve learnt from Elsewine that you radiate more calmness and power from your ‘center’. When you do that people actually listen and remember what you say. And isn’t that what we all want? The results of the training are certainly great!

Mieke de Jong
Communication advisor and project manager, make my bizniz

Because of her calm and warm style of training and through various exercises, Elsewine can quickly put you in touch with your inner desire and presence. And speaking from this place is where the change is at its most visible and gets noticed by others instantly.

Petra Hiemstra
CEO Haagse Hoogvliegers

The workshop contained very powerful practices that benefit even very experienced speakers. It’s especially recommended for people who want to increase their impact, or simply have more fun when they speak in front of a big group. I am curious to find out how this method will affect my performance in the longer run. Because as far as I’m concerned, this is a mandatory training to take and then re-take to improve your skills even further!

Eric Stam
Debating and communication trainer & teacher

I took the workshop “Male Presence” with Elsewine. During this workshop Elsewine teaches you on the basis of several techniques how to increase your persuasiveness and presence. The effectiveness of these techniques has surprised me pleasantly, because already during the workshop I noticed big improvements within myself and within my fellow students. I can highly recommend this workshop!

Dennis Bemelmans

Remarkable how different pieces of the puzzle came together during this workshop. I thought the exercises were very practical and nice to do. I’m surprised that I think about the core of the workshop easily and frequently and because of that, I implement it all the time. Hats off to Elsewine.

Gerrianne Jansen
Agrifood Academy

After the introduction workshop where I got acquainted with the Feminine Presence Method, I was immediately enthusiastic and I signed-up for the one day workshop. It gives practical exercises to radiate calmness and strength, which is applicable in multiple situations like speaking in front of big groups or stressful situations. To implement the exercises even better, I attended another one day workshop a year later. It was nice to experience that I implement (unnoticed) a lot of it in my daily life. To make sure that it will become a routine, I will take part in the workshop series.

Anja Kreileman

What a lovely day it was, the workshop Feminine Presence with Elsewine Rietveld! How nice it is that with a few refined practices you can speak and present in a much more powerful and calm way. Getting to know this method feels like a gift. I think it was a special, instructive, valuable day. Thank you Elsewine!


I took the Presence workshop. I give presentations on a regular basis and was looking for a way to bring my message across in a more firm way. I chose this workshop especially because it will not only enhance my presentation techniques, but also – because of the Presence exercises - help me to draw my audience into my story. Elsewine let me experience how with this method she gets the attention she wants. Really impressive! Thanks to the to-the-point feedback from Elsewine and the small group of participants, I found enough input to have my presentation be perceived more powerfully. I can therefore highly recommend this workshop.

Karel Urbach
Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland

I joined the Presence workshop and gained the awareness that for being a persuasive presenter, you need belly, heart and head. I got some good and practical exercises that make this balance better. Because of the great start with a lunch and calm, composed guidance it was a great training.


Very inspiring afternoon. Great group of people, good explanations and practices by Elsewine. She has a powerful training.

Anke Donici
Children’s therapist and family counsellor

I learned a lot. I honestly did not expect that. Highly recommended!

Marianne Stouten
Quality Manager at Nidera BV Rotterdam

I experienced the workshops with Elsewine as very valuable. After every night I went home with a pleasant light feeling and I felt amazing. I feel the effects of the practices in my daily life, which motivates me to keep repeating them. I would recommend for everyone (men and women) to take part in these workshops.


I recently took part in the introduction session and, to be honest, I had no idea what to expect. I can be quite abstract, so part of me feared a ‘woo-woo’ night. To be short and sweet, I had a great night, learned a lot and it was a great eye-opener. What I’ve learnt I can, in my own way, use on a daily basis. So even if you’re not into ‘meditation and stuff’, don’t be afraid to attend a training with Elsewine. You’ll see that you can learn something and you can develop yourself personally. Thanks, Elsewine!

Angeline Evers

After the introduction, I wanted more. And so I signed-up for a one day workshop. New insights, practical tips and unknown forces that I want to work on even more to enforce them. Elsewine made a special day out of it. Now it’s up to me to address my inner power more and better. Thank you!


I am so glad that I enlisted immediatly for the first workshop series from Elsewine. Exactly what I need now in my life! After 3 workshops I feel that I’m in better contact with my feelings and more calm. My ‘authentic me’ comes out more and more and I feel safe and confident with that. I also notice that I have more impact on the people around me, by primarily being myself. The simple practices of the Feminine Presence method are a real eye-opener!”


I participated in the series workshops “Feminine Presence” from Elsewine Rietveld. This became some “me time”. Together with others, which is what makes it very powerful. It gave me a lot of calmness. Who I am, and what is, is ok. From that point I can much easier and more confidently go outwards. I also notice it in the interaction with people around me: a positive flow. But also in my work. I would love to go on another training to get more practices and really incorporate them.

Waldien Burger

What an awesome training this was! I keep thinking about it, feeling it, experiencing it. It has given me awareness, a beautiful experience, I really needed to breathe deeply after that, keep thinking about my own strength and sometimes the male power. Thank you!

Alexandra Tromp